What Your Typical Day Was Like During ‘The Golden Age’ Of Commercial Flying

From the 1950s to the 1970s, flying was a luxurious experience. Aviation historian Graham M. Simons recalls it as a time of elegance, with spacious seats and stylish crew. Passengers dressed up, adding to the sense of occasion.

Flight options were limited and costly. A round-trip ticket from Chicago to Phoenix in 1955 cost $138, about $1,200 today. Aviation expert Guillaume de Syon notes that flying was four to five times more expensive than now, making it accessible only to the wealthy.

Airlines served lavish meals with delicacies like caviar and foie gras. Some even hosted fashion shows on board. Former flight attendant Suzy Smith remembers serving beluga caviar during flights.

Flying felt like a cocktail party. Passengers dressed formally, and relaxed security allowed unusual items like pet birds in shoeboxes. This freedom contributed to a laid-back atmosphere.

Pan Am epitomized luxury and glamour. Former employee Joan Policastro recalls star-studded flights with exclusive lounges.

Flight attendants had strict appearance standards, wearing high heels, white gloves, and corsets. Airlines imposed rules on appearance, hair length, weight, and marital status.

Despite its end, the Golden Age of flying is fondly remembered. Groups like World Wings, former Pan Am employees, cherish memories of when flying was an adventure synonymous with luxury and excitement.

Stacey Abrams Humiliated By Another Crushing Blow, She Just Got Awful News

A mountain of debt at the voting rights organization of Stacey Abrams has resuIted in dozens of layoffs as the former Democratic gubernatorial candidate and election denier struggles to keep her pet project afloat. News of Abrams’ plight, first reported by the Atlanta Constitution-Journal, comes as Fair Fight, founded in the wake of her 2018 loss, faces a restructuring of its $2.5 million in debt. Finance records indicate Fair Fight has just $1.9 million in cash on hand.

Lauren Groh-Wargo, a top aide to Abrams during her second run for governor in 2021, said in an interview she will be returning to manage the cuts, which amount to between 25 and 75 percent of all staff.

The Iayoffs, approved by the group’s board, will decimate a liberal organization that arguably delivered two U.S. Senate seats for Democrats and helped President Joe Biden narrowly win Georgia in 2020. Fair Fight has raised more than $100 million since its inception.

Much of the group’s financial bIeed can be attributed to protracted legal battles. After True the Vote, a conservative voter organization, attempted in 2020 to throw out 250,000 voter registrations, Fair Fight pursued a court battle for more than three years.

Last week a federal court ruled against Fair Fight. A second case against the state of Georgia over absentee ballot restrictions resulted in a Ioss and an order to pay the state back $231,000 in legal costs.

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