Levi Wright, the young son of rodeo star Spencer Wright, has died.
The three-year-old died after suffering a trаumаtic brain injury from a near-drowning incident on May 21.
Levi was hospitalized at a Salt Lake City hospital after accidentally driving a toy tractor into a river near the family’s home on May 21. Local law enforcement found Levi unconscious about a mile downstream.
Although he was initially declared brain dеаd and not expected to survive, the boy began showing signs of improvement.
“LEVI WOKE UP! I am shook, we don’t know much but the doctor said it was okay for me to get excited about that and I AM! My baby is so tough!” his mother Kallie Wright wrote on Facebook.

Unfortunately, the following day the results of an MRI “wasn’t good.”
“We’re shattered but it is just images that suggest a certain quality of life. Our real teller of all will be what Levi does over the course of a few days,” Kallie shаrеd.
As Levi continued his fight in the hospital, his family and friends continued asking for prayers.

On June 2, Kallie shаrеd devastating news.
“After several sleepless nights, lots of research, multiple conversations with the world’s best neurologists & millions of prayers we are here in the face of our biggest fear,” she wrote. “Levi showed us just enough to buy us time for all of this. We prayed those things were him defying odds & proving to us that he wanted to stay here but we see now he wanted to give us time to find peace with letting him go.”
After countless tests, scans, and consultations, the Wright family took Levi off life support.

The following day, June 3, a family friend, Mindy Sue Clark, confirmed on Facebook that Levi had died.
“I cannot even begin to explain how hard the last two weeks have been. From the moment my phone rang the night of his accident, to last night receiving the message that he had to go. I don’t want to focus on the bad or sad, even though it feels likе someone ripped my heart out and squeezed it right in front of me. I want to focus on the many miracles we all got to bear witness to in those 12 days.”
“The most perfect three year old there ever was. So perfect we didn’t get to keep him. This baby boy moved mountains the last 12 days. He brought so many people together. In a world so dark, we got to see light at the hands of a child. He’s everything his mom and dad could’ve wanted him to be.”
Our prayers are with the Wright family during this extremely difficult time.
Woman who ‘died and was in heaven for 3 days’ reveals a chilling vision of the future

The concept of life after death is present in a number of religions and philosophies. Some envision an afterlife or reincarnation, while others see death as the end of consciousness. The scientific community is inconclusive, and these beliefs mainly reflect personal or cultural views.
Julie Poole, who calls herself a spiritual guru, has built a career by sharing her teachings with others.

At a young age, Julie experienced “physical, mental, s**al, and emotional abuse.”
This horrific experience left her devastated and affected her life, but at the same time it strengthened her spirituality.
She has always been open about everything that is going on in her life, and recently, she shared her near-death experience following a suicide attempt.
In her 20s, Julie overdosed on medications after which she “died” in a sense and was taken to a “spirit realm” that resembled heaven. There, she claims to have seen glimpses from the future.

“I suddenly saw my guides and my angels around me and then they lifted me up, and took me up to the Higher Realms. I just remember saying ‘I’m going home’ and they said ‘No you’re not, it’s not your time,’” she shared in a video.
Julie claims the spirits told her, “We did warn you it would be too hard and too overwhelming, and now here you are at 21 trying to check out.”
Three days later, she returned to her normal form on Earth but she could still remember some of the words the spirits spoken to her.
Further, Julie claimed that the extraterrestrial beings told her a new ‘Golden Age’ for humanity would begin between 2012 and 2032.
“What we mean by the Golden Age is that for millennia now there has been an enormous amount of power, abuse and control…” she clarified, “All of that has been held by the few and has controlled the masses.
“This Golden Age is bringing an equality across the board, so that which is false and fake and untrue and corrupt will fall away.”
She is convinced that this concept would indeed happen and that “the day of reckoning” is near.
“It’s coming up not so that we can have some sort of Armageddon, but the people in power that are corrupt are getting found out,” she went on.
“They’re getting caught and kicked out, and people that have a pure heart pure intentions are coming in instead.”
For more on this woman’s incredible story go to the video below.

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