Nurse Hands New Mom the Wrong Baby – Her Reaction Will Leave You Speechless

The nurse checked Lucy’s twins before sending them home, but Lucy was shocked when the nurse brought them back. Instead of a boy and a girl, as Lucy had given birth to, the nurse brought two baby girls.

Lucy and her husband, Ross, had tried for a long time to have children, and they were thrilled when they found out they were expecting twins.

An ultrasound had shown they were having one boy and one girl, so the couple was eagerly waiting for their arrival. But when the nurse returned with two girls after the examination, Lucy’s face went pale.

Source: Pexels“Where is my son? What have you done with him? And who is this other baby girl?” Lucy demanded, looking straight at the nurse who had just brought the babies back.

“They’re both your daughters,” said the nurse, Savannah, her eyes glued to the paperwork. “I checked everything twice, and there’s no mistake.”

“Are you serious?” Lucy snapped. “I have reports showing I was supposed to deliver a boy and a girl. And after the delivery, I was told the same. There’s no way they’re both girls!”

Lucy saw the fear in the nurse’s eyes as she looked up from her papers. She was about to confront her further when Dr. Linda Carter walked in. “Could you please keep your voice down, ma’am? This is a hospital,” she said calmly.

Source: Pexels

“Keep my voice down? Your nurse brings me the wrong child and tells me she’s sure of it! Is this how your hospital runs? Should I contact the head doctor about this?” Lucy shot back.

“I agree with my wife,” Ross, Lucy’s husband, added. “We don’t want to make a scene, but if our son isn’t returned to us, we’ll call the police!”

“Please, sir, calm down,” Dr. Carter responded. “I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding. Savannah has been with us for years. Maybe she grabbed the wrong paperwork. Savannah, may I see the documents?” Dr. Carter asked. Savannah hesitated and then stammered, “No need, ma’am…I mean, I checked them. They’re correct.”

Dr. Carter sensed something odd and said gently, “It’s okay. Just let me take a quick look.” But when she reviewed the papers, she realized Lucy was right.

“Please give me a moment,” Dr. Carter said. “It seems Savannah brought the wrong reports. Another patient named Lucy Matthews also delivered twins, and it seems Savannah got confused.”

“I’m glad you finally saw the mistake,” Lucy said coldly. “Perhaps next time, your hospital could hire more careful staff.”

Source: Pexels

“I’m truly sorry, ma’am,” Dr. Carter said, turning to Savannah. “Come with me, Savannah. We need to get the correct records.”

Lucy noticed the tears in Savannah’s eyes as she followed Dr. Carter. Something seemed strange, so she decided to follow them quietly.

She watched as they entered Dr. Carter’s office, where Savannah started to cry. The door was slightly open, so Lucy listened in.

“What were you thinking, Savannah?” Dr. Carter said firmly. “Lucy Matthews delivered twins: a boy and a girl at 10:30 a.m. today. The reports confirm it. Why aren’t you telling the truth?”

“I didn’t have a choice,” Savannah sobbed. “The other baby girl belongs to my sister. Her husband abandoned her when he learned of her pregnancy, and sadly, she passed away after giving birth. I wanted to adopt her, but my husband refused.”

“Why don’t you place her in a foster home?” Dr. Carter suggested. “She’d be taken care of there.”

“I can’t,” Savannah replied, still crying. “My sister’s last wish was for her daughter to grow up in a loving family. When I saw Mr. and Mrs. Matthews today, I thought they’d be a wonderful family for her. So I swapped Mrs. Matthews’ son with my sister’s daughter and took him to the nursery.”

“But that’s not right, Savannah,” Dr. Carter said gently. “You need to return their son now. We’ll keep this confidential. I’ll help you find a solution.”

Source: Pexels

Hearing this, Lucy felt a mix of emotions. Savannah had no ill intentions; she simply wanted her niece to be part of a loving family. Lucy quietly returned to her room.

A few minutes later, Dr. Carter brought Lucy’s son back and apologized. Having overheard the situation, Lucy chose not to complain. But that night, she couldn’t stop thinking about the other baby girl and her innocent face.

The next morning, Lucy confessed her feelings to Ross. “I can’t stop thinking about her,” she said. “I dreamt about her last night. She was in our home, living happily with us. It doesn’t make sense, but I can’t shake it.”

“It’s because of yesterday, honey,” Ross said, trying to comfort her. “Maybe you need a distraction. How about we go somewhere?”

“No, Ross,” Lucy replied. “I want to adopt her.”

“But honey!” Ross exclaimed. “Are you sure? We already have two newborns. A third would be a lot to manage!”

“I understand, but I can’t ignore this feeling,” Lucy insisted. “Can we please go to the hospital today?”

“Alright, if this is what you want,” Ross agreed. “I’m with you, but I just want to make sure it’s not too much for you.”

Ross eventually changed his mind when he met the baby. She had warm brown eyes with a hint of green and stared at him innocently. He couldn’t resist her charm.

“I’m so glad you’ve decided to adopt her,” Dr. Carter said. “She’s lucky to have found a loving family.”

“Well, doctor,” Lucy said, smiling, “after so much time trying for kids, we can’t ignore this chance now. Just let us know when we can bring her home.”

“As soon as the paperwork is ready,” Dr. Carter assured them.

In time, everything was arranged, and Lucy and Ross took the little girl home. They named her Amelia, and it felt like their family was finally complete.

Savannah often visited them to check in, grateful beyond words. She became a regular visitor, spending weekends with the twins, Sia and Mark, and Amelia.

Аngеlinа Jоliе’s lеаkеd еmаil tо Вrаd Рitt’s shоws thе rеаlity оf thеir mаrriаgе аnd divоrсе

When Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston split, the world went silent. But as much as fans were devastated over the failed romance, they were as eager and as excited to see how the on-screen relationship between the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood star and actress Angelina Jolie will proceed in real life.

Eventually, Brad and Angelina became a thing.

Sadly, the couple called it quits years later, when Jolie filed for divorce in 2016, shortly after the news of an alleged incident involving Pitt and the couple’s oldest son Maddox on the family’s private plane emerged.

Although no one knows what really happened, the alleged child abuse was investigated by the FBI and the Los Angeles Department of Child and Family Services, and Pitt was cleared of any child abuse allegations almost immediately, as per US Weekly.

The divorce and the lengthy custody battle between Pitt and Jolie is remembered as one of the nastiest ones in recent times when it comes to celebrity couples.


On January 21, 2021, Jolie emailed her ex-husband, and that email became public. In it, she states that she writes “with a heavy heart,” informing Pitt of her decision to sell Miraval, “a business that is centered around alcohol.” Many believe this is a reference to the above mentioned plane incident during which Pitt allegedly chocked Maddox and then poured alcohol on her and the children.

The Maleficent star further wrote, “Even now impossible to write this without crying.

“Above all, it is the place we brought the twins home to, and where we were married over a plaque in my mother’s memory. A place…where I thought I would grow old…. But it is also the place that marks the beginning of the end of our family.

“Miraval for me died September 2016,” she continued, “and everything I have seen in the years since has sadly confirmed that.”

In February 2021, Pitt agreed to pay Jolie $54.5 million to buy her stake in Miraval. However, the business deal was affected by their ongoing divorce proceedings.

She submitted sealed documents which involved information regarding the plane incident, after which Pitt asked Jolie to sign an NDA which prohibited her from “discussing outside of court any of Pitt’s personal conduct toward her or the family” for the sale of the property.

Jolie dubbed the request an “unconscionable gag order.”


But Pitt framed his request as vital toward the sale as he wanted to “ensure the seller doesn’t damage the value of the asset after being paid for it.”

On October 5, 2021, Jolie Nouvel, the holding company which controlled her portion of shаrеs for Miraval to Tenute del Mondo, the wine division of the Stoli group controlled by Russian billionaire Yuri Shefler, for $67 million.

“It is not a coincidence that she sold her interest in Miraval to an adversarial party, and part of the family home to a stranger, right after a judge granted Brad a huge win: 50-50 custody,” a source close to Pitt shаrеd with ET Online. John Ouderkirk, the judge who had awarded Pitt joint custody was later removed from the case by a panel of three judges, and his ruling was vacated.

In February 2022, Pitt filed a lawsuit against his ex, her holding company, and the new owners of Miraval claiming that Jolie had “contributed nothing to Miraval’s success.” Stoli filed a cross-complaint “for the illegal and malicious actions of Pitt and his allies to injure Nouvel by devaluing its investments and depriving it of its proper role in the management of Chateau Miraval, the world-famous producer of rosé wine.”

Pitt filed an amended complaint seeking to have Jolie’s sale of Nouvel reversed on June 1, 2023.

“Brad has owned everything he’s responsible for from day one, but he’s not going to own anything he didn’t do,” Anne Kiley, who represents Pitt said.


Following the fuss surrounding their divorce, Pitt has moved on and is now dating someone else.

“Brad is very careful and intentional about who he dates. He likеs to ease into things and let things grow naturally,” a source said.

Rumors are that Pitt’s new girlfriend is Ines de Ramon, who was famously married to Paul Wesley of Vampire Diaries fame. People close to the couple say they are “happy being low-key.”

“Brad and Ines are still seeing each other and having fun. They enjoy each other’s company and have similar interests. They’re both creative, likе to travel, and are happy being low-key. Things are good between them, but Brad isn’t rushing anything,” the source clarified.

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As per Entertainment Tonight, the couple was spotted together in December 2022. “It is still new, but they are seeing where things go and likе each other,” a source revealed at the time. “They are having a good time together.”

They were vacationing in Mexico together.

Whether or not he introduced her to his children has not yet been revealed, but people close to him say she’s in the room when he speaks to his kids.

Ines was spotted wearing a charm necklace with the letter B hanging on and it’s not confirmed whether if it’s in honor of her new love.

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