Mother Welcomed Her First Child at 66 and Has Lived with Public Rejection since Then

The memories of the day you become a parent will be ones you hold dear forever. A unique child who depends on you has just entered the world. You must provide them with the finest environment and encouragement while they work to achieve their goals.
Adriana Iliescu gave birth to her first child in 2005, and because she was 66 at the time, her story received extensive media coverage.
Adriana was overjoyed when her daughter Eliza was born.

The elderly mother has been out of the public eye for 17 years, but some recently released, well publicized images of her daughter have brought her back.
There are those days that can completely alter someone’s life. Undoubtedly, every parent who has ever experienced parenthood will concur that it is impossible to adequately express the moment you greet your child.
When you first catch that cute child looking up at you, it’s the sweetest sensation in the world.
Some people are born into history books and become immortal.
When Eliza Iliescu was born in Romania in 2005, she had that exact experience. Because of the girl, the girl’s mother made history.


At 66 years old, Adriana Iliescu became the oldest mother ever. Eliza’s birth garnered media attention for obvious reasons, earning Adriana a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records.
In 2010, Adriana opened up about motherhood and shared her experiences after receiving severe criticism after giving birth. The people thought she was selfish and unduly old.
“The mirror is cruel to women, but if you judge me by my vitality, I’d say I’m a young lady. When I’m a little more exhausted, I feel like I’m 37, yet I just feel like I’m 27. Women more than half my age are healthier than I am.
“People think it’s humorous to refer to me as ‘grandma,’ but Eliza wasn’t there to make me appear younger. I don’t ever feel my age.
Adriana, who was 71 at the time, also said during her conversation with the British tabloid that she planned to have another child.

She said, “Medically, it’s doable. It could be done, since I understand experiments with a 70-year-old woman are currently taking place in England. I am in good health and believe that having another child in the future is conceivable, but I’m not in a rush right now.
Adriana and Eliza have a similar bond to most mothers and daughters over time. Eliza is a young child who is tremendously joyful, humorous, and intelligent.
Although a lot of people have an opinion about Adriana’s age, the mother claims that Adriana is a great mother and takes good care of Eliza.

“I don’t consume alcohol or smoke. Eliza will be 20 years old when I die if I survive as long as my parents did. I still believe I have a lot to offer her.
Adriana did not plan on getting pregnant at such a late age. When Adriana Iliescu was a young newlywed, she was forced to have an abortion due to health issues. She was 24 when her husband abandoned her.
Adriana subsequently focused on other facets of her life, such as her job as a professor at a Romanian university.

As I was working, “I couldn’t even think about a child.”
But I wasn’t ready to have children until I finished my doctorate at age 37. However, IVF did not exist back then.
Adriana was 57 years old when in-vitro fertilization became an option in Romania. Adriana’s first pregnancy in 2000 resulted in miscarriage despite her attending counseling.
Many people turned their backs on her because she wanted to have children. They thought Adriana was acting immorally, but she persisted in her desire to have children and never gave up.

Eliza was eventually born after receiving treatment from Dr. Bogdan Marinescu in Bucharest. Adriana had really been expecting triplets, but only Eliza survived after the other two died in the womb. Unfortunately, because of her premature delivery, she had to spend a lot of time in the NICU.
Adriana, who was deeply religious, wanted to baptize her daughter immediately after she had grown into a strong young child. Sadly, some religious organizations opposed Adriana having a kid at such a late age. At Eliza’s baptism, Adriana encountered weird looks from the nuns, one of them even referred to her as “the creation of dark energy.”
Adriana claims that Eliza is a gift from God. Today’s Adriana Iliescu

Adriana gave birth to her first child in 2022, which has been 17 years ago. Adriana is usually mistaken for Eliza’s grandmother, but they are currently having a great time together.
But the seasoned mother is still in great physical and mental shape. She is a very loving person, and that is what it takes to nurture a child.

Adriana is 83 years old and still writes. She claims to be in good health and has published more than 25 children’s novels. She appears to be a fantastic mother, but she still holds down a part-time professorship in Bucharest.
Adriana has also ensured that Eliza’s future is in capable hands.

When Adriana chose to use IVF, she made an agreement with the physician. He will be the girl’s godfather and legal guardian in the event that Adriana passes away.
Eliza, who is 17 years old, wants to study and attend college, but Adriana initially prefers to keep her family’s private affairs private. Eliza, who always makes the honor roll, continues on her mother’s academic tradition.

Compared to many people in their 25s and 30s, she appeared to be performing better. She is COMMITTED to her child and has no outside interests to divert her. Her daughter has an amazing energy and seems to be very content, happy, and well-rounded.

Single Dad Takes in Unwanted Boy with Down Syndrome—What He Discovers Years Later Will Shock You

A man who lost his family chooses to adopt a little boy that no one wants because he has Down syndrome. Years later, a lawyer contacts him with surprising news.

David walked back and forth in the hospital waiting room. His brother Jack said, “Calm down, Dave! You’d think no one ever had a baby before!”

David smiled. “I know,” he replied. “I’m just really nervous! I’ve always wanted to be a dad!”

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Jack smiled and patted his brother on the back. “Get ready to be a dad, my man!” Just then, the doctor walked in and went straight to David. The look on his face made all the laughter stop, and David knew something was wrong.

The doctor said it was one of those rare accidents that had cost Rita and their baby their lives. David listened calmly and nodded in the right places.

He didn’t even cry, but when he tried to walk, his knees gave out. A crying Jack had to help his brother and carry him home like a child.

Days later, after Rita and their baby were buried, and everyone seemed ready to forget, David woke up in a quiet house. He reached out to Rita’s side of the bed. Empty.

Parents often make heartbreaking decisions for their children’s welfare.
He got up and walked down the hall to the nursery and turned on the nightlight that shone soft stars on the ceiling. He and Rita had filled that room with both hope and sadness. Now it was all gone.

David sat in the rocking chair Rita insisted they needed and cried. His heart and home were empty, and his dreams were lost. He wanted to tear that nursery apart to escape that emptiness.

Suddenly, a thought came to him. “You can’t fill a hole with anger, only with love.” Who said that? David wondered. He had heard it somewhere before. Maybe that idea could save him.

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David contacted social services to ask about adopting or fostering a child. At first, the social worker hesitated. “We don’t usually give children to single parents,” she said. “But it’s becoming more common.”

“I have a good life,” David said. “I have so much love to give a child. My wife and I dreamed of being parents, and I want to make that dream come true.”

The social worker picked up a file with colorful stickers. “Would you consider a child with special needs?” she asked.

David shrugged. “All children are special. They all have needs,” he said softly. “We never know what life might bring. I want to help the child who needs me.”

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David had to go through many interviews and attend parenting workshops, but soon, the big day arrived. They told him he had a son.

“We have a little boy who has been in three different foster families,” the social worker said. “His name is Sam, and he is two years old. He has Down syndrome…”

“Where is he?” David asked.

“Sam has some health issues you should know about,” the social worker replied.

“I’ll take him to the doctor,” David said. “Whatever he needs, he will get.”

When David met Sam, it was love at first sight. Sam was the cutest little boy he had ever seen!

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At first, Sam was shy, but when he felt David’s love and care, he slowly opened up. David couldn’t understand how anyone could not want such a sweet child!

It took Sam a little longer to reach his milestones, and the doctor said they needed to watch his heart, but in almost every way, he was perfect!

The best part of David’s day was when he picked Sam up from daycare, and his little boy ran to him with open arms. David would lift Sam high and tickle his belly, and his heart was filled with joy.

“Rita,” he’d whisper to his late wife as he watched Sam sleep. “I made our dream come true. I filled the hole you and our baby left in my life with love.”

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The years passed, and Sam grew just like any other child. The doctor said his heart was doing well. He was a happy boy who made friends with everyone he met. No one could resist Sam and his big smile!

The phone rang constantly with invites for sleepovers and playdates, and David could hardly keep up with Sam’s busy social life!

When Sam turned twelve, he wanted to hang out with friends on his own like the big boy he was. It was hard for David, but like every parent, he learned to give his son space.

One day, he got a phone call from a lawyer. “Mr. Wallace,” the man said. “I’m calling about your adoptive son’s birth parent…”

“What do you want?” David asked sharply.

“I would like to talk to you…” the lawyer replied.

“I’m not interested,” David said. “Those people abandoned my son. There’s nothing you could say that I want to hear.”

“Please, Mr. Wallace,” the lawyer said. “For Sam’s sake.”

Reluctantly, David agreed to meet the lawyer. When he arrived, the man handed David a letter. “This will explain everything much better than I can, Mr. Wallace,” he said.

David opened the envelope and began reading: “Dear Mr. Wallace, if you are reading this, I am finally at peace with my wife. Thank you for loving my dear Sam and taking care of him.

“Before Sam was born, the doctors told us he had Down syndrome, but it didn’t matter to us. We welcomed him with joy. We thought we would have many happy years as a family, but it was not to be.

“When Sam was three months old, he had some tests at the hospital. My wife, Emily, and I went to pick him up, and we were hit by a truck.

“Emily died instantly, and I survived but became paralyzed. For twelve years, I felt like a dead man who still breathed and cried.

“I was not the father Sam deserved. I wanted better for him, so I placed him for adoption. I was right, Mr. Wallace, because you took my boy in and have been the best father.

“One day, I hope you can tell Sam that his birth parents loved him and wanted him. I never want him to think we abandoned him.

Source: Unsplash

“Please, tell him! My lawyer will give you the papers for Sam’s trust fund, which will be in your care. Thank you again, Mr. Wallace, for loving my Sam and for being the father I should have been.”

The lawyer gave David access to Sam’s trust fund, which was worth $1.2 million. David promised to use the money to secure his son’s future, just as his biological father wished.

David thought about the families who had turned away from Sam. Would they have rejected him if they had known about the money? Sam’s biological father was right to hide the fortune so that his son could be loved for who he truly was.

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