In our region of the United States, it is wise to regularly inspect the area around and beneath your car to ensure that wildlife hasn’t made it into a home. When a good-hearted woman saw a baby deer dozing beneath someone else’s automobile tire, she made the decision to intervene.
A woman wanted to make sure the car’s driver was aware that a baby deer was sleeping beneath a tire, so she shared this Facebook post, which quickly gained popularity.

The responses were heartfelt and occasionally humorous. Joshua Kevin Nye’s comment is the most well-liked one thus far:
You know it was an elderly woman, but how? Why, if you saw her, didn’t she just write a message instead of telling you there was a blasted deer under the tire? I’m looking for clarification!
Another comedian expressed their hope that the motorist was literate. I suppose you can’t always get that conclusion from the way some people drive.
Cyntha Atkinson was among the kinder individuals who valued this woman’s action:

Thank you for leaving the note, kind woman.
Thank you, Cyntha. One has to admire the heart of those who, rather than choosing to carry on with their lives as usual, choose to make a difference.
Would you have continued living your life, left a note, or attempted to get the deer to come out from under the car?
She Had 43 Cosmetic Procedures To Become A Barbie Doll – But Critics Say She Look Like A ‘Zombie’
Woman reveals her “new face” after undergoing 43 surgeries to make her appear like a Barbie doll. Dalia Naeem, 29, from Baghdad, reportedly spent thousands changing her appearance so that it resembled that of the legendary character.
Some people have referred to her as the “Iraqi Barbie” because of her golden hair and striking features.
In a recent video, the host and actress debuted her new style, prompting comments like “Zombie” and “Devil Barbie” from viewers.

Dalia appears to have captured the attention of many people, as evidenced by the fact that she has over 996,000 Instagram followers and an additional 43,900 on TikTok.

Dalia was posing with her makeup artist, who said in front of the camera, “You look so beautiful, my dear.”The phrase “like Barbie.”

Dalia, who has a big mouth and a tiny nose, remarks, “Your makeup is Barbie.” The social media sensation may have undergone several cosmetic procedures recently, including lip fillers and breast augmentations.
Dalia is an actress and TV host who has achieved popularity in her home nation. She resides in Baghdad, Iraq’s Adhamiyah neighbourhood. Here is how she appeared prior to her surgery.

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