Incredible Rescue: Hero Dog Saves Lives and Gets a Second Chance

Do you think canines can truly be heroes? Introducing Ivy, an 18-year-old terrier mix who showed that she possesses a brave and loving heart. When Ivy first arrived on June 2 at the Smith County Animal Shelter in Texas, she had no idea that her deeds would make her a true hero dog.

Dogs can donate blood to help those in need, just like people can. Because of her blood type, Ivy can donate blood to anyone, which makes her a priceless asset to the shelter. She generously gave blood, saving the lives of several canines in critical need of transfusions. Ivy is a dog who is certainly worth praising because of her bravery and compassion.

But in spite of her noble deeds, Ivy was put in a terrible predicament. She was in danger of dying since no one wanted to adopt her. That’s correct, this incredible hero dog was just a few minutes away from being put to sleep. It’s unbelievable that Ivy met with such a terrible end after sparing so many lives.

Nevertheless, Ivy’s story made it to the local news station CBS19 because of the perseverance and kindness of Pearl Wittholt, a volunteer with Saving Animals from Euthanasia in Texas. Pearl aspired to rescue Ivy’s life and give her the second chance she so richly earned with the help of the community and the media.

CBS19 has already volunteered to support a hero dog. They already told the tale of Stanford, a different blood-donating dog who met a similar end, earlier this year. The community came together to save Stanford, and he was adopted. Pearl believed that Ivy could experience the same thing.

And indeed, miracles do occur! The media attention paid off, as CBS19 revealed an encouraging update: Ivy had found her forever home. This brave dog was saved from death and given the opportunity to live out her last years in a loving home because of the amazing support of the community.

However, the tale is not over yet. Three more heroic canines are currently at the Smith County Animal Shelter, waiting for their permanent homes, as reported by CBS19. It’s our chance to prevent these courageous dogs from suffering the same destiny that Ivy just barely avoided. These dogs continue to save lives. Together, let’s think about giving these amazing heroes access to our homes and hearts.

There should never be a chance that a dog, particularly one who has saved so many lives, will be put down. The touching relationship people have with their animal companions is brought to light by Ivy’s narrative. She is safe and sound in her new home, which is nice, but more needs to be done.

Let’s tell everyone about this amazing news of Ivy’s second chance. By working together, we can improve the lives of these heroic canines and make sure they receive the affection and attention they need.

Don’t toss those eggshells! Here’s why you should keep them

Here are some advantages that egg shells provide if you’re one of those persons who loves eggs for breakfast and eats them frequently. See why you should never again throw eggshells in the garbage by reading the article below.

1. All-natural insect repellent

Eggshells might be the answer if slugs, worms, and snails are regular garden visitors who eat your flowers and kill the plant. All you have to do is cover the plants with crushed eggshells, and you’ll soon notice a change. It turns out that the fragrance of eggshells repels these creatures, so you won’t see them in your yard again.

2. Drives away deer

Eggshells are a deer repellent, just like they are to insects. Using this tip may help keep deer away from your garden and your plants, which they tend to destroy, if you live in a wooded region where they are frequent visitors.

3. Bird Food

Some creatures find the eggshells repulsive, yet others find them to be a great delight. If you scatter eggshells across your yard, you could see a flock of feathered friends enjoying their favorite snack. Birds adore eggshells. This is a pleasant approach to draw birds, who deter unsightly insects in addition to brightening people’s days with their beautiful appearance and endearing tweets.

4. Improve Soil Health

Using eggshell dust or solution as fertilizer is a sustainable way to repurpose materials that would otherwise end up in your local landfill.

Their calcium carbonate content naturally lowers the pH of your soil, which is good for plants that like lower pH conditions. Because of this modification, the soil becomes more alkaline and these plants are better able to absorb nutrients.

5. Eat Healthier Veggies

Eggshells contain calcium carbonate, which can help plants that are susceptible to calcium deficiencies—like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers—by lowering their risk of blossom end rot. Crushed eggshells added to the soil will keep the vegetables colorful, plump, and flavorful.

6. Bring Potted Plants’ pH Up with Pexels

A horticulture expert with the University of Illinois Extension points out that research conducted in greenhouses with plants growing in pots have demonstrated that adding eggshells to the soil can raise its pH. The enormous volume of soil in a backyard garden is very different from the tiny amount of soil in a pot.The typical homeowner is not likely to be able to produce enough eggshells to increase the pH of their soil.

7. Composting Made Simple

Eggshells and citrus peels break down gradually in a compost pile or container, which makes crushed eggshell material ideal for composting. They add nutrients and minerals to the compost material as they decompose and enhance it.

Rinse the shells well to remove any raw egg residue before composting. The decomposition process is accelerated when they are broken down into smashed shells because smaller fragments decompose faster than whole eggs.

The next time you have eggs, be sure to use the eggshells to add some beauty to your potted plants or yard.

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