Earl Holliman’s path to Hollywood is a compelling story of ambition and aspiration. At the age of 14 in 1943, he was resolute in his desire to become a movie star.
Raised in Oil City and Mooringsport, often mistakenly identified as Shreveport, he embarked on his journey to Hollywood through several stops along the way. His adventure began with a trip to visit relatives in Camden, Arkansas, followed by a bus ride to Texarkana, Texas. From there, he hitchhiked to Hollywood.

Having saved some money working as a theater usher and during the night shift at a café near Barksdale Air Force Base, Holliman had also connected with a serviceman who offered a lead on a place to stay. However, this turned out to be in El Monte, California, a significant distance from Hollywood. Looking back, Holliman acknowledges that it was a risky decision, one that wouldn’t be advisable in today’s world.

His initial foray into Hollywood didn’t pan out, prompting him to return home briefly before enlisting in the Navy. Nevertheless, his dream of becoming an actor remained alive. He eventually made his way back to Los Angeles, where he honed his craft at the Pasadena Playhouse and the University of California, Los Angeles.

Holliman’s determination paid off, leading to an impressive film career with notable roles in classics like “Giant” (1956), “Forbidden Planet”, “The Rainmaker”, and “The Sons of Katie Elder”. He also became well-known on television, especially for his work alongside Angie Dickinson in “Police Woman” and with Richard Chamberlain and Rachel Ward in “The Thorn Birds”.

He fondly reminisces about his early days in Hollywood, particularly his first morning in El Monte, when he wore a short-sleeved silk shirt and dark glasses while walking in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, fantasizing about being mistaken for a star. It was a moment filled with youthful dreams and innocence.
See below how Earl Holliman looks today at 96.

Dolly Parton was criticized for looking “cheap” and “ugly,” but she has responded.
Dolly Parton has enjoyed a long and incredibly successful career in the spotlight.
Her talents have spanned decades and styles, making her a constant presence in the entertainment industry for as long as we can remember.
Despite her legendary status, she still has to deal with critics. Recently, some people have been giving her a hard time about her looks, even though she’s nearing her eighties.
Dolly Parton, 77, is a well-known name in both country music and the celebrity world.
The Tennessee native is a true legend and has loved entertaining her fans throughout her long career.
In a recent interview with Pollystar, Dolly explained that she won’t be touring anymore. She said:
“I’ll do special shows here and there, maybe a long weekend of shows or a few at a festival. But I have no plans to do a full tour anymore,” Dolly Parton said.
Dolly, who rose to the top of the entertainment world after growing up in poverty in the Appalachian Mountains, will definitely be missed on stage.

Despite her undeniable popularity, some people still criticize Dolly Parton for her appearance.
In fact, her appearance has been a topic of criticism since the start of her career. Dolly has even mentioned that people used to tell her to change her signature look if she wanted a serious career.
“The main advice people gave me was to change my look—simplify my hair and the way I dress,” she explained.
“They would say I looked too cheap and that no one would ever take me seriously.”

Over the years, the mean comments haven’t stopped. Some people feel even more justified in labeling Dolly unfairly.
One Twitter user wrote, “Dolly Parton is one ugly lady,” while another said, “Dolly Parton is so ugly, but she has nice breasts.”
Despite the unkind comments online, Dolly stays positive. She is comfortable with her body and looks, and she isn’t about to change for anyone.
“It costs a lot of money to look this cheap,” she once famously said.

Regarding her husband, Dolly has shared that he loves her no matter what.
“He doesn’t care if I’m fat,” Dolly said. “He’s fool enough to think I’m the sexiest, prettiest woman in the world.”
Dolly is always eager for new challenges. According to Rolling Stone, she’s ready to embrace her 2022 entry into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame by creating an album that might be outside her usual style.
Fans were thrilled when it was announced that Dolly was being considered for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. However, Dolly herself was initially hesitant, believing that, since her career was mostly in country music, others might be more deserving of the honor.
In the end, the voters decided that Dolly belonged in the Hall of Fame. In November, she was inducted and immediately began working to prove that she deserved the recognition.
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