An 83 year old british gentleman arrived in Paris by plane. As he was fumbIing in his….

An 83 year old british gentleman arrived in Paris by plane. As he was fumbling in his bag for his passport a stern French lady asked if he had been to France before. He liked he had indeed been previously.

The lady said then you should know to have your passport out and waiting sir. The gentleman said i didn’t have to show it last time. Impossible! The woman said, you British have always had to show your passports to get through here! The man passports to get through here! The man responded by whispering, well, when i came ashore on the beach on D Day in 1944, i couldn’t find any Frenchmen to show it to!… Wear your poppy with pride.

Why Do Oven Doors Shatter and How to Prevent It?

Oven doors shatter due to two main reasons: the type of glass used and imperfections within it. Most ovens use tempered soda lime glass, which is less tolerant to thermal changes, or durable borosilicate glass.

However, tiny flaws like nickel sulfide inclusions can cause the glass to break spontaneously, particularly during high heat cycles such as self-cleaning. To prevent such incidents, it’s important to handle oven doors gently, avoid using scouring tools or placing heavy objects on the door, and ensure dishes inside the oven don’t touch the glass.

Simple precautions like using soft cleaning tools and avoiding temperature shocks can significantly reduce the risk of shattering, keeping your kitchen safe and your oven in good working condition.

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