Christopher Reeve’s son, adopted by neighbors, wows with his striking resemblance to his late father

The humble reporter who turned into a superhero marked everyone’s childhood and the name of Christopher Reeve will always come to mind whenever we hear the name Superman.

Reeve achieved the unachievable. He made whole generations fall in love with the character he played. Unfortunately, this great man who could brag with his looks suffered serious injuries during a horse riding accident and spent the rest of his days wheelchair bound. His paralysis, however, didn’t stop him from continuing doing what he did best; being an actor, writer, and a philanthropist.

His fans and family always stood by his side and they were the reason why he never lost hope that his condition may improve one day. Sadly, he passed away in 2004, but his three children are there to continue his legacy. Reeve had son Matthew and daughter Alexandra with his wife Gae Exton, and youngest son Will with his second wife, Dana Reeve. Today, all three run their parents’ foundation, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation.

This organization’s goal is to help those living with paralysis, and they are very successful at what they do. Will Reeve, who’s 30 now, gathers the attention of the public not only because he continues his parents’ work, but also because of the staggering resemblance to his late father.

When Christopher lost the ability to walk and breath on his own, little Will was only a toddler. In an interview with the People he recalls how he and his dad were very close and did lots of fun things together. Christopher even taught him how to ride a bike by giving him instructions and being extremely supportive. When he lost his real life hero, Will was 11.

Just 10 months after his death, Christopher’s wife and caregiver Dana was diagnosed with lung cancer. She passed away two years later, making Will lose both his parents. At the time, he was 13 years old and moved in with the family’s neighbors, Ralph and Ann Pucci, whom Dana trusted to raise him right.

Will once praised the family who adopted him, saying, “The Puccis are…lifesavers. They are the very best people. […] They are the reason that I was able to emerge from the darkest period of my life – relatively unscathed.

“They took me in, and they loved me, not even like a son, they loved me, and do love me, as a son. The Puccis are my family and they always will be. […] When I say ‘I’m going home’ – it’s their house,” he said.

This young man grew up to his parents’ expectations. He is currently a correspondent for Good Morning America, and has also contributed to ESPN’s SportsCenter and MSG Network, and continues being inspiration for many other young men.

He, however, never puts the foundation on the side and believes that by raising money for helping others, he’s honoring his mom and dad. He told Today: “Their passion for everything is what made them so special. They deeply cared about making a difference in the world in any context. It was a really special experience to grow up in a house with them setting that example. I try to carry on their legacy every day by just doing what I was taught.”

During an interview with People in 2016, Will opened up about his amazing childhood, which he considered a “totally normal” one.

“They were the people who told me to turn off the TV, to eat my broccoli, to go to bed,” he recalled lovingly. “I understand that not every child experiences going to the grocery store and seeing their dad on the magazine at the checkout aisle, but … it was a totally normal childhood.”

When told that he looks like his father a lot, this young man says, “My parents were beautiful people on the inside, so if I can resemble them that way, I certainly appreciate the comparison.”

Despite the loss he suffered, Will didn’t let darkness fill in his life. Instead, the memory of his parents served as a guidance for him to turn into a respected individual.

In a Daily Mail article, Will wrote, “There’s something my father used to say and which I use frequently today to not only honor his legacy, but to imbue a new generation with his timeless spirit: ‘A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.’”

People once listed Christopher Reeve on their cover as one of the 25 most intriguing people, and Will is happy he could now share his story about Superman with the magazine. Take a look at the video below to learn more of Will’s life and the foundation he now runs.

In April 2023, he shared that he’s dating a woman named Amanda Dubin. As per her LinkedIn profile, Dubin is an event planner and specializes in event planning and production. She currently works at a company called Victoria Dubin Events based in New York City.

Elon Musk Takes Aim At Woke Colleges, Accuses Them Of Promoting “Full-On Communism”

Famous businessman Elon Musk is in the news once more, this time for his vocal criticism of American colleges for allegedly pushing socialist doctrines. Musk has voiced his worries about the direction American higher education is going in an interview.

Musk, who is well-known in the IT sector for his inventiveness and leadership, did not hold back when expressing his concerns about what he sees as a concerning trend in academics. According to Musk, “it’s full-on communism and a general sentiment that if you’re rich, you’re evil.” He continued by expressing his displeasure with “neo-Marxist” influences in schooling.

One of Musk’s children has grown away from their wealthy father, which has caused tension in their relationship. This is a direct result of Musk’s candid opinions on capitalism and riches. Vivian Jenna Wilson, Musk’s transsexual daughter, 18, decided to alter her name in order to distance herself from the Musk family’s history. Citing differences in their values, she stated that she want to stay away from her biological father.

“It may change, but I have very good relationships with all the others [children],” Musk said, despite acknowledging the difficulties in his relationship with Vivian. Despite the difficulties in his personal life, Musk has managed to retain good relationships with the majority of his nearly ten children from different relationships.

This incident brings to light a larger worry held by many Americans who respect their personal liberties and minimal government involvement. Recent surveys show that more people, especially younger ones, are beginning to embrace socialist and communist ideas. While 41% of all adults currently have a good opinion of socialism, less than half of 18 to 34-year-olds have a positive view of “capitalism.”

The growing popularity of politicians who support socialist measures, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, is indicative of this ideological shift. These extreme ideas have found a home on college campuses, which were once hubs for free speech and a diversity of viewpoints.

Studies have shown that a large number of teachers have left-leaning political views, which may have an impact on the subjects and tenor of their classes. Conservative students frequently express a sense of being sidelined and suppressed during class discussions, which is concerning since it suggests that the educational system is politically indoctrinating pupils.

Given this context, it is not shocking that 36% of college students today say they would rather be a communist; they reject the term “democratic socialism” in favor of a more radical philosophy more akin to communism in the Soviet Union.

Marxist ideas’ effect on the family is another issue that Musk’s tense relationship with his daughter brings up. Marxism aims to dismantle the conventional family unit and replace it with centralized government authority. Future generations’ values and views are shaped by their families, which are the cornerstone of society. Breaking these ties can have long-term effects.

Elon Musk’s critique of American institutions, in conclusion, highlights the spread of leftist ideas in higher education. Along with the apparent bias in academics, the emergence of socialism and communism among young Americans raises significant concerns about the future of our civilization. It is crucial to have frank and open conversations regarding the role of the government and individual liberties in order to make sure that our educational system fosters critical thinking and diversity of opinion rather than ideological conformity.

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