Homeless lady given free ‘ugly’ abandoned trailer, but wait till you see what she made of it

Homesteading is becoming the life-style many people opt for during the recent years. It is characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of food, and even small scale production of textiles and clothing. It also includes some craft work for household use or sale.

The reason why this life-style is gaining more and more popularity is that is helps people to maintain a certain standard of living that doesn’t require too much finances.

One person who got devoted to homesteading is Mama V. This woman got tired of the busy life at the city and as she has always had this dream of building a cottage for herself in the isolated woods, she eventually left the metropolitan life behind and moved into an old mini-school bus.

The mini-school bus seemed like the perfect home at first, but since she had her cats and dogs with her, the place was a bit crowded so she started considering getting an additional room, which wasn’t an easy thing to plan or construct. On top of that, she didn’t really have the finances for such a project.

But then, one of her neighbors invited her over and offered her his old and abandoned trailer that stood in his yard for many years.

He wanted to get rid of it, but since Mama V liked it and got ecstatic about it, he gave it to her for free.

“She’s ugly, but she’s mine!” Mama V said of her trailer.

In order to be able to renovate the trailer she was forced to sell her bus. She was aware that turning that old trailer into a home would take a lot of time and energy, but she was ready to give the project a go.

Mama V, however, couldn’t do it herself so she asked her two pals, Jayme and Kevin, to assist her.

The trailer, although very dirty and in need of some repairs, was structurally good and leak-free. On top of that, it already had a functioning microwave oven/stove combo, and refrigerator.

After a long day of cleaning, Mama V’s friends left and let her enjoy her new piece of heaven.

Among the rest, the trailer contained two full propane tanks, a pull-out couch, a full kitchen, two twin beds, a bathroom with a shower and bathtub, a panel that kept track of utility usage, and a lot of storage.

Once she settles in, Mama V would start her own garden and a life she has always dreamed of.

She’s glad that she and her pets would have a place to call home and that she’s surrounded by great neighbors who help her with whatever she needs as she embarks on this new adventure.

Her legs are amputated after using a common household product – Now she’s warning women everywhere

A California woman named Lauren Wasser is sharing her life story in order to prevent other women to go through the ordeal she has gone through all because of a common product.

Back in 2012, this model went to the hospital because she experienced flu like symptoms that wouldn’t go away. Sadly, once doctors ran tests, they determined that it wasn’t flu that caused Lauren discomfort but toxic shock syndrome caused by bacterial toxins.

It was determined that the cause which led to the infection was a tampon. If left for long hours, tampons can cause this infection which leads to a toxic shock syndrome or TTS.

Sadly, Lauren was in coma for over a week and doctors were forced to amputate her leg because of the infection upon awakening. At the time, she was only 24 years old.


Ever since this tragic event, Lauren made it her goal to raise awareness and fighting a legal battle against Kotex Natural Balance, the brand of tampons that caused her to react so severely.

In a few months, I’m inevitably going to have my other leg amputated. There’s nothing I can do about it. But what I can do is help make sure that this doesn’t happen to others,” Lauren tells The Daily Mail.

“Considering that the vagina is the most absorbent part of a woman’s body and is a gateway to many of our vital organs, it is crucial that consumers know the reality of what could happen to them,” she writes in InStyle.


Following the second amputation, Lauren posed alongside Paralympic athlete Amy Purdy, who also had her legs amputated.

Life is about to be so different, again! I’m in great spirits though and ready for my next chapter. ???‍♀️??‍♂️ // photo by my love @camraface,” she wrote in the caption.

We are cheering for Lauren who is determined to live her life to the fullest regardless of the obstacles and the pain she was forced to go through.

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