This single guy raised 30 children and adopted five more; here’s how they all live now

Being a foster parent means making a change in a child’s life. These people are compassionate and caring and always ready to open their hearts and homes to minors in need of love and kindness.

Lamont Thomas from Buffalo, New York, has devoted the last 20 years of his life fostering children. Speaking to Good Morning America of the time he welcomed the first child, this amazing man says, “In the beginning, I was helping out some friends. They had lost their child to the system. I went on and got certified and became a foster parent. I haven’t stopped since.”

Believe it or not, Lamont has fostered more than 30 kids, five of which he officially adopted. So with his two biological children, Anthony and LaMonica, he became a father of seven.

The first kid Lamont adopted is Michael Thomas. He’s now 27 and recalls the time he became part of the family.

“He was my third foster home and it ended up being my forever home,” Michael said. “He [knew] my biological parents.”

“Lamont never turned [a child] away,” Michael added. “They either aged out or went back home to their own families.”

With seven kids to take care of on his own, Lamont knew he was done adopting, but then he came across a very special case that made him change his mind.

Five siblings aged 5,4,3,2 and 1, who were children of one of Lamont’s foster kids were placed in foster homes themselves. Lamont was sad the kids got to experience their parent’s fate, and his heart tore apart when he learned Zendaya, Jamel, Nakia, Major, and Michaela were separated. Not only they were taken in by four different families, but they were also in four different cities.

Sadly, that meant one thing, that they wouldn’t be raised together.

That’s when Lamont stepped in. He just couldn’t let the siblings spend their childhood without being by each other’s side so he re-certified as a foster parent and adopted all of them.

Some of his older kids had moved from the house already and had families on their own, so Lamont knew he was making the right decision as he could devote all his time to the new addition to the family.

“I was fighting to keep back the tears,” he said of his adoption day with Judge Lisa Rodwin. “Every day I think about it, my eyes swell up. All that we endured to make this happen, it was something.”

This incredible single dad was now a father of 12 children. He knew things wouldn’t be easy, but he was willing to give it a go.

“They bring new energy to me,” Lamont shared. “They’re lovable kids, very affectionate. They deserve to be raised as siblings, and that was my fight.”

My little son kept saying a ghost followed him. What I discovered next changed our lives

Lately, our little boy Hudson has changed. He used to be a bundle of joy, always laughing and playing, but now, he’s been crying non-stop, scared of everything, and even started to stutter. He kept saying a ghost was following him at home. It really freaked me out, so I wanted to take his mind off those spooky thoughts.

A Frightening Encounter
Last weekend, we went to the children’s room and then out for some ice cream at a local cafe. I was sitting there with Hudson when suddenly, he turned pale upon seeing one of the waitresses. He started shaking and crying, and I was just terrified for him.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” I asked, trying to calm him.

“It’s a ghost…Dad told me,” he whispered, clutching my hand tightly.

“There are no ghosts, baby…”

“This one is real! I saw her in our house a few days ago, but Dad said he’d protect me and…,” Hudson trailed off, his eyes wide with fear.

Unraveling the Mystery
The mention of his father sent chills down my spine. Hudson’s father and I had separated a year ago, and he had visitation rights every weekend. But what could he possibly have told Hudson to make him this terrified? Determined to get to the bottom of this, I decided to have a talk with my ex-husband, James.

When I confronted James, he seemed genuinely surprised and concerned about Hudson’s behavior. “I have no idea what he’s talking about,” he insisted. “I’ve never mentioned any ghosts to him.”

But Hudson’s fear was real, and I knew something was terribly wrong. I decided to investigate further, starting with the waitress at the cafe. Her name was Emily, and she looked about my age, with a kind but sad expression.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but my son seems to be really scared of you. Do you know why that might be?” I asked her.

Emily looked shocked. “I’ve never seen your son before today,” she said, her eyes widening. “I can’t imagine why he’d be afraid of me.”

Dark Revelations
Determined to protect Hudson, I started to dig into James’s past. I discovered that Emily had been a close friend of his in college. They had lost touch over the years, but there was something more sinister in their past. Emily had been involved in a tragic accident that left her in a coma for months. When she woke up, she claimed to have seen spirits and was shunned by many, including James.

“Do you think it’s possible that Hudson might be sensing something…supernatural?” I asked hesitantly.

Emily sighed. “I don’t know. But if he’s seeing something, it might be related to that accident. I never meant to scare him.”

Just then, Hudson’s voice piped up from behind me. “Mommy, she’s the ghost I saw in our house.”

Emily and I exchanged horrified looks. “Hudson, what do you mean?” I asked, my heart pounding.

He explained in his little voice, “I saw her in the living room. She was crying and told me she was sorry.”

Emily’s face went white. “That sounds like me. I used to visit James at his place sometimes. Maybe…I left some part of me there.”

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