Pure Magic: Burning a Clove of Garlic, What Happens After 15 Minutes at Home?

The health benefits of garlic are widely known, but what happens when you burn a clove for 15 minutes can be truly astounding.

Historical Significance of Garlic

From ancient times, garlic has been acknowledged for its myriad benefits, particularly for our health. Many consume it raw, attributing its consumption to health improvements. Moreover, certain traditions and beliefs assert that burning garlic at home brings additional advantages.

Garlic’s Benefits Explained

For ages, natural products have been sought after for their innate properties, often serving as natural remedies. Garlic, in particular, has been recognized for its versatile applications, from medical to sanitary to cosmetic. Its effects have always been evidently beneficial. Some cultures even advocate consuming raw garlic for those with high blood pressure.

Before the advent of modern pharmacy and widely available medicine, people relied on natural ingredients. Once proven effective, these became go-to remedies for various ailments.

Diverse Uses of Garlic

Garlic is renowned for its multiple health-enhancing properties:

Natural Antibiotic and Antifungal: It is a rich source of allicin, which acts as an antibacterial agent, helping the body combat bacterial proliferation. It’s also effective in preventing fungal growth.

Antiviral Properties: Garlic is not just revered in folk remedies but also in scientific discussions. While it’s still under research, some firmly believe in its antiviral capabilities.

Cholesterol and Blood Pressure: Garlic can lower LDL levels in our body. Moreover, it’s commonly consumed to manage and reduce blood pressure.

Skin Benefits:

Besides its culinary uses, garlic offers cosmetic benefits. It contains starchy and mucilaginous elements that can prevent acne. Furthermore, it has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties beneficial for the kidneys and liver.

Burning Garlic: What Happens?

The Science Behind Burnt Garlic

Chemical Transformation: When garlic is burnt, the heat induces a series of chemical reactions. One of the primary compounds in garlic, allicin, breaks down and may form other compounds, which can influence taste and potential health benefits.

Nutrient Profile: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can degrade some of the vitamins and minerals found in garlic. However, the burning process may also enhance certain flavors and release different aromatic compounds.

Culinary Impact

Taste Evolution: Burning garlic transforms its flavor profile. Instead of the sharp, pungent taste of raw garlic, burnt garlic offers a more mellow, nutty, and slightly bitter flavor. This taste can add depth to various dishes and sauces.

Uses in Cuisine: Burnt garlic is popular in certain Asian cuisines. For instance, burnt garlic oil or sauce can be used as a topping for noodles, rice dishes, and soups.

Medicinal Properties Post-Burning

Historically, burnt garlic was believed to possess unique medicinal properties. While some of the original health benefits of garlic might be reduced due to burning, some cultures believe that burnt garlic can serve as a remedy for specific ailments, such as toothaches. It’s essential to consult scientific research and professionals before using burnt garlic or any other natural remedy for medicinal purposes.

Myth or Reality: Spiritual Beliefs

In some cultures, burning garlic is thought to ward off evil spirits or bad luck. While there’s no scientific evidence to support these claims, they highlight the deep cultural significance and myriad beliefs surrounding this humble ingredient.


Burning garlic at home is more than just a culinary experiment; it’s a deep dive into a rich tapestry of history, culture, and science. Whether you’re looking to experiment with flavors, explore age-old traditions, or just satiate your curiosity, burnt garlic has a fascinating story to tell. As always, whether for consumption or medicinal purposes, it’s essential to approach the practice with a balance of curiosity and caution.

Stockard Channing: The star from ‘Grease’ is 80 & looks unrecognizable now

After all these years, I don’t think there’s ever been a more charismatic or relatable Rizzo than Stockard Channing.

Channing was a great artist and her singing was just fantastic in Grease – but nowadays, the 80-year-old looks almost unrecognizable.


Paramount Pictures/Getty Images

The first movie I ever saw Stockard Channing in was called The Big Bus and I thought it was hilarious. But back then, I could never imagine that she would go on and have such a remarkable career.

Today, Stockard Channing is best known for her iconic portrayal of Betty Rizzo in Grease, the 1978 American musical romantic comedy film based on the 1971 musical of the same name. Like many before me have pointed out, Channing was by far the best Rizzo out of all that have played the part.

Many probably also recognize Channing from the series The West Wing, where she starred as First Lady Abbey Bartlet. The experienced actress was praised for her instant chemistry with Martin Sheen, who played President Josiah Barlet.

“It just worked,” she told Entertainment Weekly in 2020.

“We had this chemistry from the beginning. I don’t know what it was, but we had it and it didn’t go away. It was a happy accident.”

Starring as Beth Rizzo

But let’s take a deeper look at the highlight of Channing’s career. Because in the name of honesty, she hasn’t appeared in any major motion picture since Grease, even though she has continued to act in films and on Broadway.

The 13-time Emmy Award nominee and seven-time Tony Award nominee appears to be totally fine with being most remembered for her portrayal of bad girl Beth Rizzo, one of the Pink Ladies in Grease.

But is that really the whole truth?

Back in 1973, Channing had little breakthrough starring in the TV-movie The Girl Most Likely to…, a black comedy about revenge.

“A lot of people talk about the G-word [Grease] and all of that, but back in the day, I had as many people stop me in the street about that one movie. Because it’s about revenge, and people would sit in their living rooms and go, ‘Oh, I’m the only person watching this’ or ‘this person understands me.’ I’m not kidding. It was a million years ago, and then it was the highest-rated movie of the week. Revenge always works,” she says.

According to Channing, she has only watched Grease only two times.

“I used to be grumpy about Grease because I thought it was a kids’ movie or something. But now it’s sort of amazing. I’m very proud of it,” she told The Times in 2019.

The Manhattan-born actress was 33 years old when she played Rizzo and playing a high school teenager wasn’t so easy for her.

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”I was so much older than she was in life, but I could not think about that so I sort of threw myself back to what I felt when I was her age over, even younger. The complexity of adolescents and hormones and sexuality and all of that other stuff. Seeing that I really was older I think that added to the isolation of Rizzo,” Channing told Broadway World.

Channing, who became interested in acting at an early age, was thrilled when she was offered the role of Rizzo, and her performance made her a top-ranking star in the late 1970s. She earned a People’s Choice Award for Favorite Motion Picture Supporting Actress, but the New York native had difficulty achieving similar success after Grease.

The beloved actress was handed two sitcoms of her own, Stockard Channing in Just Friends (1979) and The Stockard Channing Show (1980), but neither was successful and her career halted.

But with her look of Elizabeth Taylor and air of calm confidence, Channing didn’t give up and she continued to work as an actress, appearing in many highly-praised movies and stage plays. Her latest appearance on the big screen came was in Angry Neighbors, which premiered in 2022.

Stockard Channing in 2011 / Wikipedia Commons / Sean Koo

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