My wife posted this photo online and she found out later that the image was the reason I wanted a divorce

Starting a Journey

With her childhood friend Emma, Sarah, a free-spirited lady with an insatiable thirst for adventure, set out on a day excursion to the mountains.

Seizing the Moments

Enthused with their excursion, Sarah took a picture of herself embracing her horse in front of the striking mountains with the intention of showing her spouse, Jack, who was unable to accompany them, what they had experienced.

Spreading the Joy

After putting the picture online, Sarah was excited to share Jack’s happiness with him. Her delight quickly gave way to dismay, though, as Jack called a few seconds later to express his shock.

Breaking Down the Deceit

As soon as Jack saw the picture, he called Emma to find out Sarah’s location. Sarah’s assertion that she was with her in the mountains was refuted by Emma’s admission that she was bringing up her daughter from school.

The Outcomes

Sarah’s heart fell when she realized how serious her lie was. She might have protested, but Jack had lost her trust forever.

The Heartbreaking Conclusion

Jack made the devastating decision to dissolve their marriage, with the innocent snapshot serving as the impetus for their breakup.

Considering Betrayal

Sarah struggled with the fallout and regretted the lie that caused her marriage to fail. The narrative emphasizes the value of openness and honesty in partnerships as well as the terrible effects of betrayal.

4 real-life stories about parents who left their kids homeless & begged them for a favor years later

Most parents would give their entire world for the well-being of their children, but sadly, not every child gets to live in a loving home and experience affection, care, and love. Some are neglected and even abused by those who are supposed to provide for them and treat them as jewels.

Four people took to Reddit to tell their life stories and share how beside the injustice and the horrible treatment by their parents they still managed to stand on their feet and turn their lives around. As of their moms and dads, they got what they deserved at the end.

Read their stories below.

Father Needs Son’s Help after Bringing Him up in an Abusive Childhood

In 2019, an individual who identified as Asian turned to Reddit’s “AITA” forum to share a narrative. Recounting his upbringing, the man revealed that his father’s treatment during his childhood was marked by being frequently kicked out of his home.


The family’s financial struggles led them to reside in a subpar townhouse in an unfavorable part of town. Following the common stereotype associated with Asian fathers, the narrator’s dad exhibited extreme strictness regarding academic performance.

If the original poster (OP) received a grade below 70, was tardy to class, or failed to adhere to a curfew, his father’s response was consistent: eviction from the house. Despite his pleas and appeals, he would find himself relegated outdoors with only a sleeping bag, regardless of the weather conditions — rain or snow.


This pattern continued until the age of 16 when a friend extended the courtesy of allowing OP to stay overnight. Each time he was expelled, he would eventually return, apologize, and be permitted to re-enter the home, with him revealing: “[My father] kicked me out at 18 and I didn’t come back home.”

Instead, he opted to stay with a friend and engaged in consistent employment to finance his education. From that day onward, he stopped communicating with his father. Finally, at the age of 29, he found marital bliss with a child on the way.

OP’s mother passed away at the time—a poignant event that brought about a series of unexpected encounters. Amid the atmosphere of mourning and reflection, his father made an appearance at his son’s home, bearing the weight of past grievances. It appeared to be an attempt at reconciliation for the turbulent upbringing that had marked OP’s formative years.


Despite initial perceptions of genuineness, a lingering skepticism arose because OP’s dad had faced his own share of hardships. The closure of his convenience store seven years prior and the deterioration of his pension painted a complex backdrop to the situation.

In a moment that demanded honesty and clarity, the Redditor took the initiative to question his father’s motives for his visit. With a tone of desperation, his dad admitted his intentions—he sought a place to stay. OP, perhaps burdened by a mix of emotions from the past and the present, retreated momentarily into the house.

Upon returning, a sleeping bag was flung unceremoniously onto the lawn—an act loaded with the history of past rejections and a symbol of his dad’s actions. An essential facet of the narrative was inadvertently omitted in the initial retelling. Over time, the father had sought to make amends through sporadic financial offerings sent via mail.

These modest sums, accumulating to around $1500, remained tucked away in the recesses of OP’s closet, which he intended to return at his mother’s funeral reception. Upon the passing of his mother, his wife and friends reacted to his decision.

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