He was the first man in the world to give birth – 16 years later, he looks like this

In a groundbreaking moment 16 years ago, Thomas Beatie etched his name in history as the world’s first man to undergo pregnancy.
Born female, Thomas underwent a gender transition, now identifying as a transgender man. The global spotlight shone on him when news broke of his remarkable journey to parenthood with the birth of his first daughter, Susan
In a surprising turn of events in 2006, he halted his testosterone treatment with the aspiration of conceiving. Facing fertility challenges with his then-wife Nancy, Thomas made the courageous decision to carry the child himself.

The iconic image of Thomas Beatie sporting a heavily pregnant belly first circulated in 2008, creating ripples across the world. Media dubbed Beatie “the pregnant man” and news of his story quickly spread worldwide.
Yet, the journey was far from smooth, with hate emails and death threats pouring in from numerous quarters, including established media outlets.
”Doctors have discriminated against us, turning us away due to their religious beliefs. Health care professionals have refused to call me by a male pronoun or recognize Nancy as my wife. Receptionists have laughed at us. Friends and family have been unsupportive; most of Nancy’s family doesn’t even know I’m transgender,” Thomas later said.
During an extensive 48-hour labor, Susan, the first child of Thomas and Nancy, was born into the world healthy and happy. Thomas, determined to opt for a natural birth, defied expectations. His case marked the first documented instance where a legally recognized male gave birth within a marital union with a woman.
Thomas Thomas Trace Beatie
Posted by Thomas Trace Beatie on Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Over the course of five years without testosterone, Thomas experienced four more pregnancies (one of which resulted in an ectopic pregnancy). Together with his first wife, Nancy, he raised Susan and sons Austin and Jensen, presenting themselves as a traditional family with strong values.

In a significant television debut, Thomas Beatie took center stage with an exclusive hour-long interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show in April 2008. Addressing a global audience, he openly discussed his belief in the reproductive right to bear a child, irrespective of his male gender identity.
During the interview, Beatie emphasized: “It’s not a male or female desire to want to have a child; it’s a human desire. I’m a person, and I have the right to have my own biological child.”
His words echoed a powerful assertion of his personal autonomy and challenged conventional perceptions surrounding gender and parenthood.
In 2016, Thomas entered a new chapter, marrying a new partner, Amber. Despite having known each other since 2012, a tumultuous divorce with Nancy delayed Thomas and Amber’s nuptials.
The couple moved to Oregon with their blended family, consisting of Susan, Austin, Jensen, and Amber’s grandchild Lily.
Reflecting on their bustling household, Thomas shared: “It can get pretty loud with four kids aged 3, 5, 6, and 7, but we love it,” in an interview with Daily Mail.

Quel rôle est plus convaincant: flic ou maçon? ??? Which look is more convincing?
Posted by Thomas Trace Beatie on Sunday, March 10, 2019
Sixteen years have elapsed since Thomas became a public figure, yet he continues to make occasional appearances on social media and in people’s feeds.

In a recent interview with USA Today, he shared insights into his current endeavors, revealing that he now works as a stockbroker in Phoenix. He continues to live with his wife Amber, whom he met at the daycare where his children were enrolled.

His older children divide their time between his residence and their mother’s home, located approximately ten miles away.
According to Thomas, he lives a relatively quiet life but once in a while, he does public-speaking jobs and takes on modest acting opportunities.
Looking back on the whirlwind of attention that surrounded him 16 years ago when he graced the front pages, Thomas acknowledged the lasting impact of those significant moments in his life.
à quel métier/rôle j’ai l’air? ?️ What profession or role do I look like?
Posted by Thomas Trace Beatie on Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Reflecting on the past, Thomas, now in his 50s, remarked: “When my story came out, there wasn’t a single person in the public eye as a transgender man — most people had never heard of it.”
”This was pre-Chaz Bono. This was pre-Caitlyn Jenner. This was before anyone knew anything. It was a first exposure for a lot of people. And then on top of that, they can give birth! I think exposing the importance of fertility for trans people was a huge eye-opener.”
”Everything was a whirlwind,” he said. ”But I still don’t regret it,” Thomas shared.

The entire school used to mock this nine-year-old girl because of her weight but look at her now!

Breanna Bond’s journey embodies the poignant narrative of confronting childhood obesity head-on and discovering the empowering potential of determination, encouragement, and embracing a healthy lifestyle.

Since her earliest years, Breanna faced the cruelty of her peers due to her weight. Even as a young student in elementary school, she stood out as heavier than her classmates, weighing in at forty-five kilograms when she started first grade.

As time passed, her weight continued to climb, reaching an alarming eighty-four kilograms by the age of nine.

The relentless teasing and bullying at school left Breanna feeling isolated and disheartened. Every day she returned home, emotionally battered and on the verge of tears, a casualty of the unkindness she encountered.

The root of Breanna’s weight struggles stemmed from her family’s dietary habits, which leaned heavily on sweets and junk food. Regular visits to fast food joints and indulging in calorie-rich snacks took a toll on her health and well-being.

Concerned for their daughter’s welfare, Breanna’s parents sought medical advice, hoping to find a solution to her escalating weight gain.

After consulting with a nutritionist, Breanna and her family embarked on a transformative journey. They bid farewell to sugary treats and processed snacks, opting instead for nourishing, wholesome foods. Exercise became a staple of their routine, with family walks and organized sports taking precedence over sedentary activities.

The road to change was challenging. Breanna grappled with fatigue and hunger as she adjusted to her new lifestyle. There were moments of frustration and resentment, especially towards her parents for depriving her of her favorite treats.

However, Breanna persisted, driven by an unwavering determination to reclaim her health and happiness.

Gradually, their efforts bore fruit. Breanna’s once-round figure began to slim down, her confidence soaring with each passing day. Her classmates took notice, trading taunts for admiration.

In the swimming pool, an old friend failed to recognize her, so profound was her transformation. In just a year, Breanna shed an impressive thirty-five kilograms, a testament to her resilience.

But Breanna’s journey wasn’t just about physical change; it was a voyage of self-discovery and empowerment. Fueled by newfound confidence, Breanna excelled in sports, earning a spot on the school’s cheerleading squad and even participating in the Teen Olympic Games.

Today, Breanna stands as a symbol of hope for those grappling with obesity, her story serving as inspiration for many. With humility and kindness, she shares her experiences, offering support and guidance to those on a similar journey to wellness.

Through her grit and determination, Breanna proves that no challenge is insurmountable and that with dedication and perseverance, anything is achievable.

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