12 Curious Finds That Turned People’s Worlds Upside-Down

Have you ever found something that made you very confused? We all know that feeling. Our curiosity keeps pushing us until we understand it. But now, we don’t need to visit a library or ask a professional for answers anymore. The internet has a lot of people who investigate things online, and they’ve uncovered some incredible hidden facts about curious and unique discoveries.

1. ’’Found this thrown at the bottom of a lake in Stockholm. It was overgrown with algae on the outside. Nothing grows on the inside, so the liquid is not water. No markings.’’

Closeup of a hand holding a plastic bottle with clear liquid, no markings.

Answer: Oh, it’s a storm glass.

2. ’’I found 25 of these things individually wrapped in men’s briefs and socks.’’

A gold circular object with a chain on a marble surface.

Answer: They are fire hose caps.

3. ’’My mother says this cast iron thing is for pouring oil, but my grandmother says she’s wrong and can’t remember what it’s for. Help?’’

A black cast iron pan with an off-centre groove, casting a shadow.

Answer: It looks sort of similar to the type of thing used to melt down lead to cast new bullets.

4. ’’What is this pair of scissors I bought years ago on flee market?’’

Closeup of a pair of scissors, gold in color, a bird and its feathers engraved on it.

Answer: It’s a vintage umbilical clamp. That’s why it’s shaped like a stork! Eventually this style did evolve into several types of embroidery scissors that the midwives would use while awaiting labor.

5. ’’What’s this brass or copper like thing in bathroom door handle?’’

A green door with a closeup on its handle covered in a brown coating.

Answer: The copper kills bacteria and germs.

6. ’’I found this wooden device. It’s maybe for stretching something or measuring?’’

Closeup of a hand holding a large circular wooden object with a screw in middle.

Answer: It’s a hat stretcher.

7. ’’I found this in a random box of kitchen supplies. Is this just for carving meat or some other food?’’

A long knife with a wooden handle kept on a marble surface.

Answer: It’s to slice bread.

8. ’’It is made of clay/terra cotta, can fit inside a palm. It came with something I bought but can’t remember what. What is it used for?’’

A brown circular object with a drop drawn on it, kept on a wooden surface.

Answer: You put it on with your brown sugar to keep it from clumping or drying out in storage.

9. ’’Metal, plastic, and canvas-looking fabric clips. They are a few inches long, what are they?’’

Closeup of a box of old, various colored plastic clasps being held in a palm.

Answer: They look a bit like the things attached to a garter belt to hold up stockings.

10. ’’My kids got these for Halloween. They are thin plastic, what are they?’’

A pink and a green plastic figure with holes in them kept on a leather surface.

Answer 1: They are stencils, popular in the 90s. Got a bunch as a kid!
Answer 2: Yep, this is it, the raised lines are so that when you put a piece of paper over it and rub a crayon over it the raised lines show up darker for detail.

11. ’’What are these blue reflecting markers for? They are mounted on a pole, facing the field.’’

A hand holding a blue light on a wooden pole, roadway in the background.

Answer: They are reflecting the headlights of cars to the fields, so that deer avoids crossing the road. So, it’s for safety of cars and animals.

12. ’’What’s this odd-looking glass I found while walking on the beach in Hawaii?’’

Closeup of a hand holding a ball with shells on it, beach in background.

Comment: Oh, no! Tell me you didn’t throw it back, please. If it is an older float, it is worth a pretty penny.

If you’d like to uncover more mystery objects that will blow your mind, then check out this article.

Preview photo credit Tio76 / Reddit

Mom Influencer Names Daughter After Disney Character—See Why the Internet Can’t Stop Talking

Choosing a name for your child is a big deal. The name you pick can shape how people see them and how they are treated for their whole life. While many parents go for classic names like Elizabeth or William, some are picking more modern or unusual names. Recently, a social media influencer named her daughter after a Disney character, and people online have mixed feelings about it.

Indy Clinton is an Australian fitness and lifestyle blogger with over 600,000 followers on Instagram and TikTok. She lives in Sydney with her husband, son, and daughter. When her daughter was born last year, her fans were excited. However, some people questioned her choice of name when she revealed that she named her daughter after a Disney character. In the end, she chose the name Bambi, even though she originally considered Paloma, which means Dove in Spanish.


Indy is no stranger to unique names—her son’s name is Navy. But the name she chose for her daughter, Bambi, surprised many fans. Indy shared, “We were set on calling her Paloma at first. That was her name, and nothing was going to change that. But one night, while reading a book to Navy, I suddenly thought, ‘What about Bambi?’ And from then on, it stuck.”

The story of Bambi is both heartbreaking and uplifting. It’s about a baby deer whose mother dies, and after a few tough moments, the story turns into one of friendship and adventure.


Unsurprisingly, fans were divided over the name choice. Some questioned Indy’s decision, with one person commenting, “Imagine being an adult named this. These baby names are mad these days.” Another person wrote, “Are you naming humans that will be adults one day? Or kittens?”

A third person thoughtfully pointed out, “Kids can be cruel. A unique name isn’t something to shy away from, but a name tied to a character might not be ideal for your child.” They added that being named after a Disney character in middle school could be challenging.


Alternatively, some fans defended Indy’s choice. “People need to shut it. She can name her baby anything she wants. I think it’s adorable,” wrote one supportive follower. Another added, “Congratulations! It’s a wonderful name for your baby.”

“So happy, love the name,” a third person commented.


Indy explained that she’s always loved the story of Bambi, even as a little girl. Seeing her daughter’s “sweet, curious nature, and big brown eyes” made the name feel like a perfect fit. She also noted that while opinions are split, “unique names are the new trend.”

Interestingly, Bambi is derived from the Italian word “bambino,” which means child or baby. In the Disney film and books, Bambi is a male character. This creative choice might make Bambi a popular gender-neutral name in the future. For example, reality star Molly-Mae Hague also named her daughter Bambi, though it’s unclear if she chose the name because of the Disney character or simply because she liked it.


Interestingly, Bambi isn’t the only Disney character whose name has become popular for real-life people. Several Disney characters have everyday names. For instance, the dog from *The Little Mermaid* is named Max. Additionally, many characters from *Frozen* have names that are common in Scandinavia. Elsa, for example, is often short for Elizabeth, and Olaf means “heir” in Scandinavian languages.


*The Princess and the Frog* is a heartwarming story about a Black woman named Tiana who works hard to achieve her dream of opening a restaurant, despite the challenges she faced growing up. Interestingly, according to Babynames.com, the name Tiana has Slavic origins. Regardless of its roots, Tiana has been a popular name in the U.S., consistently appearing in the top 1,000 baby names since the 1970s.


Aurora is a Latin name that originally referred to the “Roman Goddess of the Dawn.” It’s a beautiful name that symbolizes powerful feminine energy and the splendor of the night sky.

Merida is another Disney character with a name that works well in real life. The character herself is Scottish, but the name Merida is thought to have Celtic or Spanish origins.


Chip is the name of a charming and lovable chipmunk, as well as a little boy turned into a teacup in *Beauty and the Beast*. It’s an English name derived from Charles but isn’t as popular today. Despite this, Bambi, which is becoming a popular choice for baby girls, is seen as a gender-neutral name.

Indy, known for being a super mom, announced her third pregnancy just months after Bambi was born. As a social media influencer, she skillfully balances her roles as a mother, wife, and a role model for women everywhere.

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